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The Sweet Truth About Crystalline Fructose

Ask a chemist the difference between high fructose corn syrup and crystalline fructose and the answer will be quite different than if a biologist is asked the same question. The reason is based on the chemical makeup of the two versus how they react within the body. Chemically, crystalline fructose is simply high fructose corn syrup processed until the amount of fructose jumps from the high fructose corn syrup amount of 55% (with 45% glucose) to nearly 100% fructose contained within crystalline fructose. To learn the sweet facts behind crystalline fructose, read the information that chemical distributor in Florida, Bell Chem, has gathered concerning this sweetener.

  • Fructose is five percent sweeter than glucose. For this reason, a smaller amount of crystalline fructose has the same effect per volume as high fructose corn syrup. Keeping in mind the amount of calories per tablespoon, this equates to fewer calories for the same taste.

  • Crystalline fructose’s smaller volume and solid form make crystalline fructose a much better option than high fructose corn syrup. Because it is more solid in form, it improves the fluffiness of baked goods, mixes well with other sweeteners, and is able to remain unoxidized for extended periods of time.

  • Individuals who suffer from diabetes watch their insulin levels, which are tightly intertwined with glucose. Since it is at least 98% fructose and contains no glucose, crystalline fructose is an ideal sweetening agent for diabetic patients and actually acts to lower blood glucose levels. For this reason, crystalline fructose is known as a “diabetic-friendly carbohydrate”.

The advantages of crystalline fructose make it a more appealing choice for many consumers. Learn more about crystalline fructose and all the other products offered by chemical distributor in Florida, Bell Chem, by calling (407) 339-2355 (BELL), and read more about the industrial, food grade, and cosmetic chemicals inventoried by Bell Chem by reading our latest blogs.