What is a USP Ingredient?

Many ingredients can be used in manufacturing or cleaning products without the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) seal. Prescription medications, however, must carry a USP seal. The difference between these categories is simple: any product meeting USP standards has specific evidence of purity, quality, and strength and is generally related to fields of medicine and pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and supplements. Learn more about Bell Chem’s line of USP ingredients and their stringent quality guidelines.

Graded on Quality

Ingredients and chemicals added to products are graded on their purity, efficacy, and quality. Those meeting USP standards are of the highest quality grade. These standards were established in 1820 with the advent of the first United States Pharmacopeia published as a reference guide for pharmacists to create preparations of the United States’ most commonly utilized prescription drugs. 

The USP merged with the National Formulary and Drug Standards Laboratory (NF) 155 years later. While prescription drugs must meet USP standards, many other industries (researchers, laboratories, food manufacturers) recognize extremely pure ingredients as necessary for their consumers since less pure substances may lead to incorrect data, poor reactions, or health concerns. 

Laws Related to USP Ingredients

In 1906, the Pure Food and Drug Act defined drugs as “all medicines and preparations recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or National Formulary (NF),” a definition that bound prescriptions to USP ingredients. At that time, the prestige of adding “USP” to a prescription drug gave it a seal of purity. Today, all prescription drugs must meet USP standards, and oftentimes manufacturers no longer bother to add these distinguished letters to their packaging since it is redundant.

Exceptions for Supplements

The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was enacted to allow citizens access to natural health remedies. However, USP standards are merely voluntary for dietary supplements. Typically, lettered vitamins (B, C, and D, for instance) and minerals (iron, zinc, et cetera) meet strict USP guidelines. Other supplements may meet these standards, or simply meet the standards of the individual manufacturer. The USP Dietary Supplement Verification Program (DSVP) gives manufacturers the quality USP Verified Mark, which provides consumers and professionals confidence that the product within is stringently manufactured.  

Bell Chem is a USP ingredients supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.


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